The Northgate Viking Band Boosters are a parent volunteer organization that works to support all aspects of the Northgate Viking Band. The Boosters conduct a wide variety of activities to support the band, including general fundraisers, prop construction and maintenance, travel, transportation, chaperoning, operating the home concession stand at football games, and serving at the Valhalla Classic. By organizing volunteers for these essential tasks, the band staff is free to spend more time teaching and supporting students in their music education.
The Northgate Viking Band Boosters meet on the second Tuesday of every month at 7:00 PM in the cafeteria. All parents and supporters are welcome to attend! |
Northgate Band Booster Officers
President - Jaime Henry Vice President/Fundraisers - Jamie Fowler Treasurers - Kelly Clute & Beth Fisher Secretary - Amanda Ward Booster Leadership Lead Chaperone - Lisa Quick Concession Chair - TBD Uniform chair-Jo-Ann Jones Equipment Co Chairs- David Masdon & Elijah Sleigh Valhalla Leadership Valhalla Chair - Kelsey Armstrong |